Earlier this month approximately 1,500 journalist/nerds gathered in Atlanta for the 2013 Online News Association conference. Here are some takeaways from the numerous sessions, busy midway and hundred of super smart people in attendance. What’s the best way to catch up with everything that happened? Check out the links below and review the Twitter feed for sessions that appeal to you. Attendees stretched the hotel wi-fi to the limits sharing their experiences and their tweets lend great insight into the heart of each session.
[two_col_75_25_col1]Mobile and Breaking News: New Challenges for News Information Visualizations
One of the main challenges for different methods of displaying news is the limitations of the different CMSs that news organizations use. You have to think outside of the box to come up with solutions.
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #newsviz [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]Tools for Journalists
Think Github basics, security utilities like Tor and SecureDrop and learning coding for journalists.
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #forjournalismLink [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]
Lessons from Humans: Design that works
- Don’t wait for perfection, you’ll never get there
- Constantly refine your process and your product
- User feedback — Listen to it!
Why do people not share?
(Viral Content: Why we share some things and not others)
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #designthink
- Privacy
- Unknown audience
- Exposing yourself to judgement
- Don’t feel a sense of control
- Construction of different identities for different groups of friends
- Likes to consume guilty pleasures but don’t want anyone to know
- Self censoring
- Socially awkward to bring up controversial issues
- Cannot unshare
- Easy to copy and forward
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21 Ways to Awesome-ize Your Mobile Toolkit
Learn about new photo and video apps to improve your mobile storytelling. The main takeaway: Find a few key apps and learn them top to bottom.
[table] [table_row] [table_cell_head] Take Photos [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Edit Photos[/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Share Photos [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Panorama [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] GIF Creation [/table_cell_head] [/table_row] [table_row] [table_cell_body] Camera+Gorillacam
AdjustGrid [/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] Snapseed
Photoshop Express[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] Instagram
Flickr [/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] Photosynth
DMD[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] Cinemagram
Lightt[/table_cell_body] [/table_row] [table_row] [table_cell_head] Photo Illustrations [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Mobile Design[/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Layered Multimedia [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Collaborative Video [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Record/Edit Audio [/table_cell_head] [/table_row] [table_row] [table_cell_body] Wordfoto
Over App[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] Haiku Deck
ComicLife[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] Magisto
Videolicious[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] Streamweaver
Vyclone[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] SoundCloud
Voice Record Pro[/table_cell_body] [/table_row] [table_row] [table_cell_head] Record/Edit Video [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Publish Video[/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Mobile Publishing [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] LiveStreaming [/table_cell_head][table_cell_head] Live Coverage [/table_cell_head] [/table_row] [table_row] [table_cell_body] iMovie
Filmic Pro[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] YouTube Capture
Vimeo[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] WordPress
Storify[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] UStream
Bambuser[/table_cell_body] [table_cell_body] ScribbleLive
CoverItLive[/table_cell_body] [/table_row] [/table] [/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #mobile1st
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*Broadcast for All: Mastering Multi-Screen Production
-Majority of mobile use actually occurs at home. Don’t assume the user is on the go and not interesting in complex or in-depth content
-The idea of second screen is pointless. Don’t worry about which screen people are using. Worry about providing the best experience on whatever screen the audience is using.
-Open source tools are the best option for experimenting with new tools
-Use small projects to experiment with mobile-first and responsive design
Recap by Lauren Rabaino
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A Fragile Trust: Public Faith in the Media – Where Have We Been, Where Are We Going?
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #fragiletrustStorify
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Audio Everywhere: Radio in the Digital Age
Don’t always think short – Some popular podcasts run 3 hours. The content drives engagement.
People don’t listen on the desktop. Maybe 1 in 10 or worse. Meet your audience where they are–SoundCloud, Stitcher, etc.
We need good analytics for what the audio audience is doing. Current analytics methods are lacking in this area.
Some of WBUR’s most popular audio segments follow the “This is what ____ sounds like” template.
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #audioeverywhereSlides
Audio (coming soon) [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]
Turning Civic Information Into Civic Narrative
This session focused on the idea and practice of using data and computers to do the heavy lifting when possible so reporters are freed up to dig deeper into stories and spend their time asking questions and following leads. There is a wealth of local, state and national data available to drive civic-minded stories.
When trying to crowd-source information for civic projects, it must be something that people really want to contribute to or it will fall flat.
Ryan Pitts (Census Reporter) “It’s okay for journalists to advocate to make their communities better.”
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #civicnarrativeSlides
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Getting Started with WordPress
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] Slides [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]Breaking News: Real-Time Takeaways From the Boston Marathon Bombing Coverage
We think about how to mobilize our newsroom and reporters to get on scene. But what is our plan for services we offer during and immediately after an event that helps the community?
What does that look like? How does it work?
1 #marathon takeaway: need to channel verified/official accurate & updated info, announcements, etc. into easy-to-follow stream #onabreaking
— Staci D Kramer (@sdkstl) October 17, 2013
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Video [/two_col_75_25_col2]
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Analytics in the Newsroom: What’s Next?
Define goals then how to measure that. Context is key when it comes to analytics and data. Anytime a journalist is working on a story they need to be thinking about who the audience for that story is. What do they need?
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #analtyics4newsAudio
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*Oops, We Broke the Article Machine: Imagining What Comes Next
Not every story is or even should be an article. We write articles because it’s a traditional and yes–easy way to tell a story. We need to ask ourselves if an article is really the best way to tell the story. There are many other methods for sharing information–lists, short videos, GIFs, audio clips, games, tap essays and more. Just because something isn’t an “article” doesn’t mean it’s not real news or useful.
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #articlemachineStorify
Storify 2
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Closing the Digital and Data Divide: Data Journalism in Developing Countries
Using data helps bring people close to their government. Fosters accountability and reveals corruption with less risk to journalists. Enables citizens to think critically about news and information.
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #datadivideSlides
ONA Newsroom
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Building Apps in WordPress
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #appsWPLinks [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]
20 Tips to Turbocharge Your Mobile Efforts (Before It’s Too Late)
Get the newsroom looking at, and using your mobile products. Let the numbers make the case for the importance of mobile Create a mobile-centric culture Remember what you share is mobile. Facebook: 78% mobile Twitter: 75% mobile
.@corybe: 75% of Twitter’s audience is mobile, so why would you ever share anything that doesn’t work there? #20mobile #ona13 — Mandy Jenkins (@mjenkins) October 17, 2013
Innovation and user first are most important for mobile jobs says @dkiesow #20mobile — P. Kim Bui (@kimbui) October 17, 2013
Rebel Mouse
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Video [/two_col_75_25_col2]
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Bring Your Social Game to the Pro Level
Having a presence on social media shows your audience that you are where they are. This allows you to be involved in the conversations in your community. There is always a moment when a story breaks and these days, that moment is happening on social media.
Who uses Facebook well? The person who keeps it personal but also delivers the news. #prolevelsocial — Julia Carpenter (@juliaccarpenter) October 17, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #prolevelsocialUse terms “breaking” or “breaking news” in breaking news posts to Facebook, results in higher engagement: @petersmeg #prolevelsocial #ONA13 — Alfred Hermida (@Hermida) October 17, 2013
Storify Slides
Facebook links
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8-Bit Mode and Space Invaders…Or, How to Put the Fun Back in News Apps
We’re all dumb. But humor makes us smarter. A news app is 1 part story. 1 part engagement and 2 parts utility. *Add a dash of whimsy.
From an audience member in #8bitapp: What should people get out of your app? That should drive whatever you do, even if it’s silly. #ona13 — Justin Myers (@myersjustinc) October 17, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #8bitappOn putting the fun back into news apps: Find opportunities for whimsy when you can. #8bitapp #ona13 — Lauren Rabaino (@laurenrabaino) October 17, 2013
Session Page
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Online Ethics
Does your media outlet have an online ethics code? Start working on one. It takes time to answer questions like should all content be posted online forever?
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #ONA13EthicsRebel Mouse
Audio (coming soon) [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]
I Need Data For My Story. Help.
There are three common scenarios: I don’t know if the data exists – Call people, submit forms, search for datasets or bookmarked data. (It’s likely someone has already looked for the data) Data exists but what format do I want it in? – Learn your spreadsheets Data exists but it’s playing hard-to-get – There are a number of methods for wrangling data. Check out the slides for this session for more info.
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #storydataSlides
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Using WordPress to Structure Your Beat
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #WP4yrbeatLink
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*Building Open Source Templates for Longform, Or: Snowfall for All
Interactive longform layouts are a great way to package and present deep, multi-faceted reporting. See: http://t.co/OlV9VyPH8V #snowfall4all — Evan Mackinder (@evandmac) October 17, 2013
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How to Be a Better Host in the Digital Space
We’ll get to the day when we don’t call it social media + just call it media; it’s all inherently social – @AJAMStream #digihost #ona13 — Jada A Graves (@jadaagraves) October 17, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #digihostSocial media isn’t something “the kids are doing.” The kids are grown up — and running the newsroom, @Ramisms says. #digihost #ona13 — Kate McGinty (@kjmcginty) October 17, 2013
Rebel Mouse
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Data Journalism: The Tower of Babel Problem
.@tswicegood: Data journalism is all journalism. Reporting is reporting, and the rest is just details. #datatower #ona13 — Justin Myers (@myersjustinc) October 17, 2013
INN: Recap
Audio (coming soon)
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Crowdsourcing the Experts for UGC Gold
UGC is about making those giving feel like there is some reward. #UGCGold #ona13 use psychology, folks. — P. Kim Bui (@kimbui) October 17, 2013
#UGCgold Pro Tip: When searching for breaking news, search for swear words. Seriously. People often swear online when surprised. #ona13 — Andy Carvin (@acarvin) October 17, 2013
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Smart News, Dumb Phones: Reporting and Publishing for Mobile-Only Audiences
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #mobileonlyaudLink
Audio (coming soon) [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]
Jazz and Journalism: Improvising Innovation
“There are many opportunities to do good work in new ways,” Post-Industrial Journalism tells us http://t.co/cUJOQGkc7B #journojazz — Chris Amico (@eyeseast) October 17, 2013
Audio (coming soon)
Digital Sleuthing with Free Tools
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #digsleuthTumblr Post
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*10 Tech Trends for Journalists
- Anticipatory Computing – search is evolving to include sensors, data, context. Next year marks real beginning of anticipatory computing for the masses.
- Smart Virtual Personal Assistants – opportunity for news orgs to become a source of info by leveraging data and content for SVPA use
- Personalized Video – you must differentiate. Not every news org should be a tv station. Those that are need to be unique.
- MOOCs – leverages something news orgs already do (provide info) and packages it in a new way. Potential for increased audience and monetization
- Comments – commenting as it exists today isn’t adding value. It’s distracting the audience.
- Platform vs Publisher – News orgs can’t be both.
- Screenless Computing – nontraditional screens are growing in number. Be ready for how you will present on them.
- Data – Be able to search data and find context in real time
- Drones – Drones come in different forms and help us see things we couldn’t otherwise.
- Hardware – New wearable and buildable technology means you can arm journalists and audience with sensors and printers.
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #10techtrends
Session Page
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Optimizing Your Narrative: An Exploration of New Story Formats
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #evolvingnarrativesThis is so good. RT @jonkeegan: Great takeaway from @zseward “Things” talk #evolvingnarratives #ONA13 pic.twitter.com/m9REfizQzf — Meghann Farnsworth (@meghannCIR) October 18, 2013
Session Page
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Collaboration ROI: Who Do You Trust?
Building local collabs is a big focus @CIRonline. How can we work together to tell national stories locally? #collaborationROI #ONA13 — Cole Goins (@colegoins) October 18, 2013
Session Page
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If I.F. Stone Had a Computer: Document Mining in the Digital Age
One reason organizations still publish databases as pdf’s? Ignorance says Mike Tegas #ONA13 #ifdigital pic.twitter.com/qge8xwfEt3
— Arik Ligeti (@arikligeti) October 18, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #IFdigital
Session Page
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“Ha, Your Data’s Showing”
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #datashowingSlides
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Constructing Meaningful Infographics
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #ONA13inforgraphicsSession Page [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]
Covering the Unthinkable: School and Public Space Violence
When does your coverage after tragedy go back to normal? “Your readers let you know when they’re ready”- @kdaledp #reportingunthinkable
— Colleen Shalby (@CShalby) October 18, 2013
Journalists have to adjust to perspectives when it comes to personal tragic events & doing things respectfully #reportingunthinkable #ONA13
— Marena Galluccio (@MarenaGalluccio) October 18, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #reportingunthinkable
Storify 1
Storify 2
Session Page
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Innovative Storytelling on a Budget
#Lowcosttools Takeaway: Failing is okay. If you try something new and no one cares, move on, and try something else. But keep trying #ONA13
— Chris March (@marchmcfly) October 18, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #lowcosttools
Session Page
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10 Things You Missed in CS School
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #10CSthingsNotes
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*KeyNote: Nate Silver
- Statistics aren’t just numbers. They are facts that must be interpreted.
- Data requires context.
- Correlation is not causation
- Take the average, stupid.
- Intuition is a poor judge of probability. If you play Russian roulette you have an 83% of surviving. But that doesn’t make it a good idea.
- Know thy priors (A.K.A. Know your assumptions)
- Insiderism is the enemy of objectivity.
- Making predictions improves accountability.
Storify 1
Storify 2
Session Page
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If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, What is Photojournalism Worth?
The era of staff photographers is ending, but the era of people who are visual storytellers has just begun. #ONA13 #ona13photojourno
— Gabriel Ram (@gram851) October 18, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #ONA13photojourno Storify Session Page Audio [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/116078208″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] [/two_col_75_25_col2] [separator type=’normal’ color=’#bce603′ thickness=’1px’ up=’20px’ down=’20px’] [two_col_75_25_col1]
Web Dev Literacy: Learn the Language
‘You will always be in a little bit over your head.’ – @veltman on web dev (and life) at #ona2013 #webdevliteracy — Kristen Lee (@kristenaleenyc) October 18, 2013
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Session Page
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Open Source in the Newsroom
“One reason we do multi-platform bad is because we’re trying to put the same thing on every platform.” —@dansinker #ona13 #opensourcenews
— Amy Bartner (@AmyBartner) October 18, 2013
“We need to create more journalism that’s of the web, not just on the web.” –@dansinker #ona13 #opensourcenews
— Kevin Ghoul-er (@kev097) October 18, 2013
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Session Page
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Storytelling with Google’s Mapping Tools
“Maps” is a verb with #mapstories, they can tell stories that excite, forecast, revive, warn, and so much more. #FedGIS @EsriFederalGovt
— Clara Burgert (@crburgert) February 26, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #mapstories
Workshop Notes
Session Page
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*Responsive Design, Opportunities and Challenges
“We shouldn’t have limited experiences on one platform, and fuller experiences on others,” says @elisewho. #agnosticdesign
— Kyle Ellis (@KyleEllis) October 18, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #agnosticdesign
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*Keynote: What Journalists Can Learn from Shine Theory
.@annfriedman: To elevate a story now, you need lots of people talking about it and contributing to it. No one owns the story. #ONA13shine
— Lisa Carricaburu (@lcarricaburu) October 18, 2013
Preach! “Invest in a coregroup of people the way you invest in yourself. Participate in each other’s successes.” – #ONA13Shine #ONA13
— Jason Meucci (@jmeucci) October 18, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #ona13shine
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*The New Management Skills
“It’s not about age, it’s about adaptation. You’re either with it or you’re not with it.” – @cschweitz #newmgmtskills
— Kelsey Proud (@KelseyProud) October 19, 2013
Yes. RT @jabobble: “Its that reverse mentoring in the workplace that makes it successful. Learn from each other.” #newmgmtskills #ONA13
— Meghann Farnsworth (@meghannCIR) October 19, 2013
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Protecting Press Freedom and the Fifth Estate
“Journalists should be activists for journalism. The power resides as much with the individual as the org.” –@emilybell #ona13 #5thestate
— Mollie Bloudoff-Inde (@mbloudoff) October 19, 2013
Journalists are not there to uphold the law, they are there to hold them to account –@emilybell #ONA13 #5thestate
— Jeanne Brooks (@jmfbrooks) October 19, 2013
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Audio (coming soon)
*Keynote: Journalism in the Age of Surveillance
“Truth is built out in networks.” Journalism builds a network of truths. Bigger is stronger, less assailable @emilybell #ona13 #ona13keynote
— Mindy McAdams (@macloo) October 19, 2013
Post-Snowden, a moment when the US media “dare to say” what they felt they couldn’t before, says @JanineGibson #ona13keynote #ONA13
— Alfred Hermida (@Hermida) October 19, 2013
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Courage Under Digital Fire
For journalism you need skills, curiosity and courage. #journocourage #ONA13
— Kimberly Leonard (@leonardkl) October 19, 2013
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #journocourage
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Threat Modeling: Determining Digital Security for You
Two things to protect: our journalism and our sources. To do that, we need to protect information and machines. #ona13 #threatmodel
— Justin Myers (@myersjustinc) October 19, 2013
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The Power of Video Now
My takeaway: Content should reflect life, and sometimes life is funny, cute, dumb or just mindless. Don’t be snobby! #videoona13
— Kimberly Leonard (@leonardkl) October 19, 2013
“Nobody should be embarrassed about covering things people are interested in.” The “here’s what you should know” model dying. #videoona13
— Kimberly Leonard (@leonardkl) October 19, 2013
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Do the Math: How to Finance Non-Profit Journalism
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #ONA13math.@texastribune‘s diverse revenue streams: #ONA13 #ona13math pic.twitter.com/su9S4Oruxj — Jeff Sonderman ✎ (@jeffsonderman) October 19, 2013
News Biz FB Page
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*Sensor Journalism
[/two_col_75_25_col1] [two_col_75_25_col2] #sensorjournosQuestion: in a couple years could we see maker teams embedded within journalistic organizations? My answer: hell yeah! #sensorjournos #ona13
— Adam Schweigert (@aschweig) October 19, 2013
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Sensor Demo Page
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